Wednesday 25 September 2013

We have takers!

We have at least four folks making the trip across from the States for the inaugural FilthCamp! We're going to be welcoming three from Niner - Carla, Barrett and top photographer Ian Hylands. Then from sunny California we have Brad from Kali Protectives coming over too. There are a couple more folks still umming and ahh-ing about it, but it's definitely ON now.

We'll have a couple of fun days in the Valley, exploring some trails, getting wet and muddy hopefully, getting lost and cold on the hills in the approaching dark (so, after 3pm then...) and then retiring to the pub to warm up. And then we'll be journeying a couple of hours away to do the same thing, only in a different location.

Finally, on day five (assuming everyone's still with us) it's going to be the Singletrack Northern Gathering; a yearly event where we invite people from the UK bike industry, who we normally only see in Las Vegas or Friedrichshafen, to come to the Singletrack offices and ride bikes - and eat fish and chips.

Should be a fun-packed week...